In a very competitive market, a lot of effort is put in trying to stand out from everyone else. If you can make your business stand apart from your competitors, then things can be a lot easier for you.
More customers are made aware of your products or services. More people become interested about your business. Satisfied clients help spread the word about what you bring to the table.
The question is, “How can you persuade your market audience to patronise your products or services and not one of the numerous others in the business?” The answer lies in your ability to determine, establish, and promote your Point of Difference.
What is a Point of Difference?
In essence, it is what makes sets your business and your products or services apart from the others. When trying to decide on something, consumers have one question in mind. “Why should they choose you?” Your Point of Difference should then be the answer to this question. Even a little extent of uniqueness and differentiation could lead your company towards a much better shot at success.
In trying to identify your own Point of Difference, here are some points that you could consider:
- Price
- Features
- Benefits
- Variety
- Availability
- Convenience
- Customer Support
- Company Culture & Background
- Personality
Done identifying the Point of Difference. What’s next?
After determining your business’ Point of Difference, you can then proceed to planning how you can promote this to your target market. The uniqueness of your company should become a statement that you must share to your audience. This is where branding, copywriting, and graphic art design can help you. You can come up with taglines that sum up the uniqueness of your business in a clear and emphatic manner. Then, you can use a variety of media in order to gain more market exposure.
In addition, you should also note that having a Point of Difference need not be a one-time or short-term move. Depending on the market situation, you can always reinvent your selling proposition so as to keep your audience reminded of what you and your business stand for. As an entrepreneur, you should always understand how you can use your uniqueness to your advantage.
Helping You On Your Unique Marketing Plan
For more tips on how to make your business stand out, consult your partners here at Not Just A Copy Shop, your one-stop friendly print shop. We have experts in the field of copywriting and graphic art design who can help you in establishing a market identity that sets you apart from the competition. In addition, we can also provide you with high quality print outputs that you can use for your campaign.
Call us today on 07 55 232 008 or simply use our online enquiry/order form. Here at Not Just A Copy Shop, we help you grow your business!