When you have a tough decision to make, do you ever feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other shoulder, both whispering conflictive things in your ears?
Part of the human condition is the fact that there are multiple influences in our minds that compete with each other, or work together, to form our decision making process. They are like two people inside our heads.
One of those is Reason. Reason uses facts, logic, words, experience and foresight. Reason can unemotionally take in all points-of-view, and weigh the pros and cons. Reason is the side of you that reads, does mathematical calculations, figures out the odds, and strategizes. When you’re faced with a new situation, it is Reason that examines the facts and figures in a rational way, without emotion or feelings, and comes up with a decision that is supported by reason and facts. It’s a very useful process that is vitally important to our lives.
Reason is the ultimate decision-making platform, therefore we should always use it when we have an important decision to make. That’s obvious, right?
Not so fast.
Let’s talk about Impulse. Impulse is like that crazy uncle at family gatherings, or the evil twin sister. You never know what they’ll to say or do until it happens. Impulse takes its lead from pleasure and pain. Facts and figures have no bearing. Right and wrong don’t figure into the mix. Consequences? Meh! Can’t be bothered. Impulse craves gratification and avoids pain. There’s no morality, no common sense, no logic involved in where Impulse will come down in a decision.
A pint of double-chocolate old-fashioned triple cream cheesecake? YES! But you’re on a diet? Impulse doesn’t care. Reason can talk until it’s blue in the proverbial face, but Impulse won’t change it’s mind. Unless … it believes that the gratification will not happen, or the pain will be so great, that gratification is nullified. That often means that the pain must outweigh the gratification by many times. Does that make sense? Is it reasonable? No. Of course not. But Impulse doesn’t care.
Here is the scary part. Every decision you make is made by impulse.
That’s right. Even decisions in which you can trace the history of rational and logical choices, accurate information and reasonable judgments … at the last minute, in the final moment, Impulse steps in and gives final approval or disapproval. Impulse signs off on every decision you make.
The impulsive, irrational, subconscious feelings-based method is how we ultimately make all of our decisions. Kind of unnerving, isn’t it?
How does this affect your life when it comes to your printing needs and marketing strategy?
It means that you need to know how to appeal to your target audience at a visceral level.
How does someone decide to keep or discard your business cards and flyers? Is it based on the quality and accuracy of the information? Is it based on how logical it is that your services meet their needs? Do they keep your business card because it has valuable information printed on it? Those are all good reasons to hang on to your items. But no …
They keep your items because something inside them, in the impulse center, gave a thumbs up, not based on any rational reason, but based solely on the fact that something about your business card or your promotional flyer appealed to them. They kept them simply because they wanted to. Nothing else. They just felt like it.
How do you produce printed products that will appeal to the impulsive, visceral part of your target audience? Good question.
First, you must know who your target audience is and what appeals to them.
Second, your graphic design must touch that vulnerable part of the impulsive person to make them love it. Most of that is a subconscious reaction that the audience is not even aware of. Size, shape, materials, textures, colours, fonts, empty spaces, unexpected utility, and more are all things that can make someone fall in love with your item. If the recipient likes what they see and want to keep it, we call that … Good graphic design.
The way that the content uses words, phrasing, emphasis, and the overall message, whether overt or subtle, can affect the recipient to retain your products for a long time, or have the opposite effect of making them want to discard them. If the copy writing appeals to them, we call that … Good copy.
Not Just A Copy Shop is the place to find expert graphic design, copy writing, and production of virtually all of your printable promotional items. We specialise in turning out the highest quality print work at a reasonable price.
And because we do not want your materials (and our own hard work) to be wasted, we specialise in helping you identify your target audience, in designing materials that have the highest likelihood of appealing to them, and in writing copy that will send them to your business to buy your products and services.
Your success will be our success. We go the extra mile to help make your design, writing, and printing needs as successful and painless as possible.
Come in today and let’s talk about how to turn your printing challenge into a business success story.
Not Just A Copy Shop is your IMPULSE and REASON expert. We offer different levels of creative assistance at reasonable prices to help you market your business through creative writing and design.
When it’s time to produce your brochure or any printable item you need, check out our Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans. Decide which plan is best for your business, whatever stage you may be in, and let’s start printing!
Call us on (07) 5523 2008 or send us an email at service@notjustacopyshop.com