If it can be pressed flat on a piece of glass, we can scan it for you.
Heirlooms, antiques, old family photos, letters, paintings and almost anything else that you want to scan and store digitally can be done at Not Just A Copy Shop, your full service printing and publishing shop.
The craft of scanning and printing are complicated and imminently technical processes that have been evolving for a long time. The technologies of colour printing, colour photography, and colour television developed independently in the twentieth century.
The advent of the personal computer and digital technology, combined with the human vision of what all these technologies could do if combined has brought us, in a matter of few decades, to a place where one no longer needs to be a journeyman reprographics professional to scan, copy, store, transfer, and reproduce high quality images in multiple mediums.
However … just because one does not need a journeyman professional these days, does NOT mean that the process is simple and easy.
Quite the opposite.
The technology required is extremely complex and sophisticated.
With the latest technology in the hands of a skilled and experienced print professional, miracles can be performed quickly and with extremely high quality results.
Enter your friends at Not Just A Copy Shop.
At Not Just A Copy Shop, we have the sophisticated technology needed to take your art from the real world into the virtual world and back again, to almost any specifications that you desire.
We use the state of the art Oce and Xerox® technology. The hardware and software technology that the system uses for scanning, interpreting, manipulating, and reproducing digital image information is the most advanced in the world.
The complexities involved in high quality scanning, recording, manipulating, and reproducing different kinds of images are largely unknown to the average layman on the street. For example:
- Lines and solids are much different than shades of grey.
- Photographs and lithographs are much different than drawings and paintings.
- Colour is a completely different animal to master.
- Storing the information is a different technology altogether.
- Reproducing stored images is a maze of science that depends on the final destination of the image, be it photographic, lithographic, or projected technology.
- Professionals spend entire careers learning and perfecting the different tools that science and technology have to offer, to make it easy for the designer, artist, or amateur point-and-shoot photographer to get what they want.
Let’s say that you have a painting on canvas that you love. Maybe it’s a painting that one of your children did when they were young. Maybe it’s high value piece by a well renowned artist. It doesn’t really matter why it’s important to you, but you want to save it digitally and reproduce it in a different medium.
No problem. We scan it into our system. Then we utilize the advanced capabilities of our technology to reproduce an image that will match the original as closely as possible.
Keep in mind that oil paints, lithographic inks, laser printer toner, and photographic papers, and computer monitors are all very different mediums and all of them reproduce images and colours in different ways.
Our job as reprographic professionals, is to make sure that you get the highest quality reproduction possible.
Not Just A Copy Shop is your digital scanning expert. With our decades of experience and technical knowledge, we will guide you.
Show us what you’ve got. Tell us what you want. We will navigate the science and technology to turn your desires a reality.
When it’s time to scan and save and reproduce your one of a kind graphics, or any printable item, call in and see us. Decide which plan best suites your needs, whatever stage you may be in, and let’s start scanning!
Call us at 07 5523 2008 or send us an e-mail to Robyn at service@notjustacopyshop.com