Very few of our competitors (if any) let their customers and prospects know why they do what they do. What their purpose is. Why they exist. Why they get out of bed in the morning.
Thinking Outside to Inside:
All of our competitors communicate from the “outside-to-the-inside” to their audiences. In this sequence:
- They tell everyone what they do
- Then they tell them how they do it
- Lastly, they might tell them why they do what they do.
Thinking Inside to Outside:
Not Just A copy Shop would prefer to inspire people by thinking from the inside, towards the outside with:
Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. We look far ahead into the long-term goals of our clients, to understand their desired outcomes.
The way we challenge the status quo is by ensuring we provide everyone with the best possible value for money. We want to ensure that their printed material is of the highest standard. And that they always feel really good when they hand them to a client. And, of course, we want to do this at the lowest cost, which is our promise of delivering value for money.
At the end of the day, we just happen to be printers, who print just about anything, except money.
The Reversed Order of Not Just A Copy Shop:
People don’t buy what we do. They buy “why” we do it. Which is why a growing number of existing clients do understand why we are ‘not just a copy shop’. These ideal people for NJACS want to be part of what we do. We’d like others to also be part of what we do.
Our competitors are equally qualified to print and supply the same products that we produce. But, they don’t put the time and effort into pre-press copywriting and graphic art design. Just print stuff and compete solely on price.
People don’t buy what we do. They buy why we do what we do. Our goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what we print. Our goal is to do business with people who believe in what we believe in here at NJACS.
Rational Analytical Thoughts & Language:
Limerick part of our brain is responsible for all of our emotional feelings. For trust and loyalty. And is also responsible for all behaviour and decision-making. It has no capacity for language.
Impulse & Reason:
Imagine you have a pair of tiny twins living inside your head. Their names are Impulse and Reason. They do all of your thinking for you. All of your feeling, all your perceiving. They are in your mind, but there are two of them, and they couldn’t be more different from each other.
Impulse speaks no language, understands no words, has no ability to reason. She has no
Sense of right or wrong. She wants gratification, she avoids pain. She feels desire and fear. She is the ultimate pleasure seeker as well as the ultimate avoider of anything unpleasant. She is honest, straightforward, and lacks deception. She is pure passion, emotion and impulse instinct. And she wants everything now!
Reason reads, writes and does arithmetic. Logical and rational, she seeks, facts, information, knowledge and understanding. She makes unemotional judgments about good and bad, right and wrong, ethical and unethical, moral and immoral, valuable and valueless. She thinks, she reasons, she judges, but she doesn’t feel. They’re an interesting pair these little twins. But the most interesting thing is that
Impulse is the decision maker of the two. Believe it or not, every decision you make is made by Impulse. Actually it’s not that unsettling because Reason has a lot to say about it. The two of them work together in a productive way. They both perceive through the senses; sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
Reason takes whatever meaning is inherent is her perceptions and logically processes it. The result is passed along to Impulse who interprets the results in terms of expected gratification or pain. And she reacts emotionally. Impulse provides the emotional response to Reason’s rational conclusions and judgments. Meanwhile Impulse is also using her sensory perceptions to make associations with past experiences, triggering judgment while
Impulse deals in associations and emotions. That’s right – the irrational one is making all of your decisions. Unsettling isn’t it? The more information Reason can bring to judgments, the stronger her influence on the decisions. The more associations and impressions emotions Impulse can make, the stronger her influence.
Most people have never heard of such things before, Have you ever touched on the vital key ways in which the mind perceives information and makes decisions. Let alone the way in which Reason (the conscious mind) always interacts with Impulse (the subconscious mind) to form a decision making process as to purchase, or not to purchase!
Communicating From the Inside to the Outside:
When we communicate from the “inside- out”, starting with the WHY, we are talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behaviour and then allows people to rationalise it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from.
The “why” part of our brain controls the need to know “why we do what we do” before they can buy from us and become loyal to us.
Our Goal:
Our goal is not to sell people what we have. Our goal is to sell people ‘who believe what we believe’, and hire people who ‘believe what we believe’, including outsourced consultancy firms.
NJACS is driven by a cause, a purpose and a belief. People don’t buy what we do. They buy why we do it! We like to talk about what we believe. And in doing so, we attract those people who believe in what we believe. This is part of our culture. It’s why we are ‘out there’ in our thinking and reflects in our cheeky-attitude when we say things like, ‘the only thing we don’t print is money’, etc.
Innovators & Early Adopters:
The law of diffusion and innovation proves that:
- Only 2.5 % of the population are innovators.
- Another 13.5% are early adopters.
- 34% are an early majority in the sales & marketing process
- 34% are the late majority in the sales & marketing process
- Which leaves a 16% who which are lagers and procrastinators, and of no interest to NJACS.
The early adopters of 13.5% of our target audience is the ‘gap’ where we need to close-up, because the early majority of 34% will not try something new until someone else has tried it first. Innovators and early adopters are the people comfortable making their ‘gut decisions’ and their ‘intuitive decisions’ which are based on what they believe about ‘why we do what we do’ here at NJACS. And not just what print product is available.
They do it for themselves, when they make a purchase decision with NJACS.
They see the world like we do. They want to ‘be first’, because they ‘get it’ and believe in why we do what we do here and know why we are not just a copy shop.
Law of Diffusion & Innovation:
As part of our culture, what we do simply serves as proof of what we believe in what we do. And the way we say things to people such as:
“If you are the kind of person who likes to have total control over every aspect of your life, WOW, do we have a product for you”
“The most important goal we have here is to provide you with the best possible value for money. We want to ensure that your printed material is of the highest standard. And that you always feel good when you hand them to a client. And of course, we want to do this at the lowest cost, which is our promise of delivering value for money”
We always tell people here at NJACS what we believe, believe, believe. People then take our cause and make it their own.
There are leaders. And there are those who lead. We would like to be known as market leaders who stand out from ordinary printers, by inspiring others who then follow our lead.
Not because they have to, but because they understand ‘why’ we do what we do and naturally want to and follow NJACS for themselves.
Warm regards,
Lou Armstrong
Not Just the Owner
Not Just A Copy Shop.