Many companies search for the best business cards Gold Coast wide. While this may seem like an outdated marketing method, it’s still very important. It’s one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to share information with potential customers. How can you use business cards to generate higher profits? Keep Them with You All the […]
Business Cards
3 Reasons You Need the Best Business Cards Gold Coast Has to Offer
Have you considered how buying the best business cards Gold Coast has to offer could affect your organisation? Good quality and the right design can give you a powerful tool when promoting a product, service, or event. Why should you consider buying business cards? 3 Reasons You Need The Best Business Cards Gold Coast & […]
Expanding The Marketing And Branding Possibilities Of “Business” Cards
What if you could extend the power of your business (or “branding”) cards?
At Not Just A Copy Shop, we have several variations on the business card that can be just the thing for your branding and marketing efforts!
Impulse and Reason
When you have a tough decision to make, do you ever feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other shoulder, both whispering conflictive things in your ears?
Part of the human condition is the fact that there are multiple influences in our minds that compete with each other, or work together, to form our decision making process. They are like two people inside our heads.
One of those is Reason. Reason uses facts, logic, words, experience and foresight. Reason can unemotionally take in all points-of-view, and weigh the pros and cons. Reason is the side of you that reads, does mathematical calculations, figures out the odds, and strategizes. When you’re faced with a new situation, it is Reason that examines the facts and figures in a rational way, without emotion or feelings, and comes up with a decision that is supported by reason and facts. It’s a very useful process that is vitally important to our lives.
Top 6 Effective Offline Marketing Ideas for Start-ups
Your Business Card – Your 24/7 Salesperson
In today’s digital age, you still need a physical “bookmark” that you can put in someone’s hand. A business card will allow them to find you long after you name and number have faded from memory or been deleted from their laptop.
Sitting in a coffee shop one day, I got into a conversation with an interesting man who talked to me about his travels and adventures. I never asked him what his occupation was. When he got up to leave, he handed me his business card, told me his name, politely excused himself and left.
I looked at the card he had given me for the first time. There was something about the card that was beautiful and elegant, yet simple and unpretentious.
In fact, the front of the card was blank except for two words, his first name, and, “Photographer”. On the other side was some very succinct, easy to read contact information. Something about it made me just want to keep it, so I put it in my wallet.