When most people think about “cards” they think about business cards. But at Not Just a Copy Shop, we offer a wide range of cards that offer surprising branding and marketing benefits.
Business Promotion
Make It A “Banner” Day!
In a world in which potential clients and markets are bombarded with input –text messages, spam, advertisements, and many other intrusive calls to action – it is important to choose advertising techniques that maximise bang for the buck. One of the most efficient tools for branding and advertising, in the right circumstances, are large posters that clearly display a marketing and branding message.
When properly used, posters catch the eyes of people and introduce them to products or services that they wouldn’t otherwise have known about. This “sticky” ability to get into people’s minds and stay there can have huge advantages for businesses looking to create brand awareness and sell products or services.
At Not Just a Copy Shop, we are happy to present you with some reasons you should seriously think about using well-designed posters in your promotional efforts.
VIP Rewards Club: Reap The Rewards!
YOU are a Very Important Person to us here at Not Just A Copy Shop. We know that even though we are the best multi-service print shop in town, we are not the only shop in town. We reward loyalty and repeat business not just with good service and the highest quality graphic production, but […]
Impulse and Reason
When you have a tough decision to make, do you ever feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other shoulder, both whispering conflictive things in your ears?
Part of the human condition is the fact that there are multiple influences in our minds that compete with each other, or work together, to form our decision making process. They are like two people inside our heads.
One of those is Reason. Reason uses facts, logic, words, experience and foresight. Reason can unemotionally take in all points-of-view, and weigh the pros and cons. Reason is the side of you that reads, does mathematical calculations, figures out the odds, and strategizes. When you’re faced with a new situation, it is Reason that examines the facts and figures in a rational way, without emotion or feelings, and comes up with a decision that is supported by reason and facts. It’s a very useful process that is vitally important to our lives.
Top 6 Effective Offline Marketing Ideas for Start-ups
Your Business Card – Your 24/7 Salesperson
In today’s digital age, you still need a physical “bookmark” that you can put in someone’s hand. A business card will allow them to find you long after you name and number have faded from memory or been deleted from their laptop.
Sitting in a coffee shop one day, I got into a conversation with an interesting man who talked to me about his travels and adventures. I never asked him what his occupation was. When he got up to leave, he handed me his business card, told me his name, politely excused himself and left.
I looked at the card he had given me for the first time. There was something about the card that was beautiful and elegant, yet simple and unpretentious.
In fact, the front of the card was blank except for two words, his first name, and, “Photographer”. On the other side was some very succinct, easy to read contact information. Something about it made me just want to keep it, so I put it in my wallet.
4 Advantages of Print Packages
Investing In Packaging Copy Writing & Design Helps Improve Sales
The Benefits Of Having A Custom Letterhead
Custom Letterheads
In business, communication is important. That is why as entrepreneurs, we regularly send out letters to our clients and prospects, as well as our partners. Business correspondence constantly takes place from small businesses all the way up to the largest corporations. Most companies, especially the larger ones, print their letters with some form of letterhead, and using a custom letterhead contributes to the success of their business. Here’s how custom-made business stationery can help your company.
Improves Brand Awareness
Having a market identity that your target audience can recognise is crucial. As you send your prospects and existing clients direct mail, you should see to it that they could accurately identify your company by just looking at the envelope as well as the letter itself. This is where custom business stationery can help you. Custom letterheads and envelopes can significantly boost the consistency of your branding. As a result, people can easily identify you and set you apart from the rest.
Communications & Relationship Building
Communication is an essential aspect of everyday life. Whether you realize it or not, we never stop communicating. This is especially true when it comes to business relationships and how we communication with our clients. And is why we enjoy engaging and meaningful conversation with you whenever you are in our print shop. Even when chatting with you on the phone.
Just for you, I have compiled 20 of the best business and communication quotes from a variety of brilliant people who can help guide you towards improving your communication and better personal and business relationships.
1. “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.”- Joseph Priestley
2. “Who you are is speaking so loudly that I can’t hear what you’re saying.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”– Dale Carnegie
4. “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”– Albert Einstein
5. “Don’t be embarrassed by your failures. Learn from them and start again.”– Sir Richard Branson